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How much weight can I expect to drop?

One of the best parts of The Smoothie Diet is how fast it works. You will see pounds come off in the first week and this motivates you to keep going. The average weight loss during the first week is 3-8 lbs, Over the 3 weeks you can expect to lose up to 20 pounds.

You can also continue the diet for as long as you want after the 3 weeks. Some users have lost 50-70 pounds after several cycles of the diet plan. You can read their testimonial at the official Smoothie Diet home page.

Just don’t expect to lose 50 pounds after three weeks. It would take a few cycles of repeating the program if that’s your weight loss goal.

What People Saying...

Dawn Lost 14 Pounds in 21 Days!

"I have just completed the Smoothie Diet..which in a word is FAB! The diet is very easy to get into, after only a few days I felt brilliant, full of energy! The smoothies are so tasty, filling and are never boring! I will continue to have smoothies every day as now it has become a way of life for me! If you are looking to lose weight and make a healthy life change then try this, - I couldn't have asked for more than this! Thanks for everything!"

Dawn lost 14 pounds and wakes up every day now more confident and full of energy - Arlington, VA

Danielle Lost 8 Pounds in 1 Week!

"Getting into this diet was so easy and the results were so fast. After only 1 week on the Smoothie Diet I weighed myself and realized I had lost 8 pounds! I feel better and more confident than I have in a very long time, I don't have to suck in my stomach to button my pants anymore and I still have to stop to do a double take everytime I walk in front of a mirror."

Danielle was shocked when she realized that she lost 8 Lbs in 1 week! - Houston, TX

(sreenshot from Instagram)

How It Works?

The Smoothie Diet is a repeatable 21-day diet plan designed to reduce sugar consumption and speed up weight loss. You’ll have to replace two of your meals with certain smoothies and have a light meal and 2 snacks in between them. That way you’ll not only consume less calories but will also feel full all the time and get essential nutrients.

First you know What you get from The Smoothie Diet Program?

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? What if it Doesn’t Work for me?

If for some reason this program does not work for you even though you have followed it exactly as we have laid out, We have no problem giving you a full refund. We'll even cover you for a full 60 days so if you are unhappy for any reason over the next 2 months, you get your money back. If you are not happy with the program, then We don’t want you to have to pay for it. We believe in building relationships and your satisfaction is our #1 priority.

Then why you waiting for?
Watch the video below to get started:

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